Astar Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver

our goals is for our student’s to practice their language skills daily in school and out of school.

QuadCore-R16 (astard7) 1024 by 600 7 inch screen The radio after bootup has no sound, I have to change band FM to AM and back, Then it works. The hard buttons don't light up but with headlights do.- Post added at 03:06 AM - Previous post was at 02:17 AM. We had hoped to see SOUND-CARD only implementations of the special PSK modems making AO-16 and IO-26 very popular 2-way digital communications satellites again, but no one has risen to the challenge. 1200 Baud AFSK ASTARS The TRAKNET concept was demonstrated many times during experiments with the Space Station MIR packet system and SAREX.

When student’s practice their

skills, they become more confident with using English. But sometimes, you run into challenges with shy students who are afraid to speak in class and afraid to sound wrong or silly speaking English. As an instructor at Astar, I try to engage with my students in a not only professional way, but in fun and comfortable methods where they wont feel bashful about making mistakes and/or sounding silly.

At times, I crack a few jokes, use various facial expressions and vocal tones to show a more “goofy” side of myself.

My hope is to show them it’s ok to sound or be silly in class.

One day, I was wondering how I can not only make their learning environment more comfortable, but also explain to them the logic behind projecting their voice in class and practicing the sounds of English.

First, I thought about a recent example I was introduced to through learning music and learning to sing. At times, I can get very shy when it comes to singing. I mean – if you hit a wrong note, it is NOT forgiving at all. Especially if it is super loud and other people are around and listening.

It can be very uncomfortable.

My instructor told me he would say that to me and call me Louise every time I would not “Sing Out”– meaning,

“Project my voice when singing. Sing loud so I can be heard. Sing Loud so you can hear yourself and so your brain can process the sound and you can learn the right notes.”

Let me tell you – THIS WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!!

So when I thought of this example I was able to empathize with my students. I also thought about when I was learning Spanish in Costa Rica and how difficult it was to get use to hearing the foreign sound. I remember getting confused and frustrated about how to use,

“Por” and “Para”.

Man that drove me crazy!!! A Costa Rican friend of mine said to me, “The more you hear Spanish, the more your ear will become familiar with the sound and the more you will understand how to use it!”

At the time, that logic was “Moo” to me. My understanding was,

how can I know what sounds right if I don’t know what sounds right!!!!!?????

However, 8 months later it finally clicked! I was starting to understand and I even had my first dream in Spanish! It was GLORIOUS!!!

Using my life lessons, I decided to explain to the students the importance of projecting their voice loud enough so they can hear the English sound. For my students, English is a foreign sound and in order to get use to how this language is used they have listen and speak loud enough so they can hear themselves. It’s very similar to singing. In order for me to learn the right notes I have to hear myself create the correct sound. Otherwise, I will not know how to correctly produce musical notes.

Anyhow, I did a little hand puppet demonstration explaining this logic of mine, hoping that they would understand. Thank goodness they did. They laughed and said,

“Ok teacher!”

From that day forward they have been projecting their voice. Take a look at the video I created of me explaining this theory to my students! 🙂


Model: C-Media CMI8738 PCI Audio Device Drivers
Vendor: C-Media
Version: 8.17.40
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Astar Sound Cards & Media Devices driver
Bits: 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64)
Driver Date: 2012-11-23
Size: 26.3 mb

Astar Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver

Driver description

Download driver C-Media CMI8738 PCI Audio Device Drivers version 8.17.40 for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64).

File Name - manual install (26 mb) all versions - Auto install (64 mb) all versions

Astar Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver Download

Astar Sound Cards & Media Devices Drivers

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